Friday, November 21, 2008

Truer Words Were never Spoken.... (or written)


Stacy Ann said...

Awesome!!! You have a beautiful family!!!

Julie said...

Just wanted to tell you as I check this morning Dominic saw the top photo and said "Hey, my friends look" He must have enjoyed himself with your crew this summer!

Katie said...

How true, sad, but true. :)How much do we blog to share with others and how much do we share because its just kinda therapeutic and emotionally cathartic (not physically cathartic though 'cause that's gross ;)

Ericka said...

Mike is jamming out to your music, he likes the mommy song...

Liz said...

i just wanted to say hello! you are so blessed :) what a wonderful family-

angela said...

It's been three months since you last made an entry. I'm pretty sure something blogworthy happens at least once a day at your house... but I bet there's not a ton of time to write about it here! Just wanted you to know I miss reading your musings, and it's been too long since I saw you last! Can I help you in any way? Please let me know because Kevin's away for another week and there's time to spare. Blessings to you!

Laurel said...
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