There are some men on TV that just get to me. They may not be the hottest guys, the best looking. Sometimes it's just something about them. Sometimes it's the look in their eyes when they look at their woman, the way McDreamy looks at Meredith.
Sometimes they are just hot. Derek (Shemar Moore) from Criminal Minds, for instance, man oh man. He is something to behold.
While McDreamy and Shemar Moore are very attractive in their own way, they can't hold a candle to the one that makes me smile every time. He makes me shake my groove thang, improves my day, and has given me the most entertaining 20 seconds ever on TV. He is the only one that is permanently saved on my DVR. Behold my all time favorite (on screen) leading man:
Heather, you crack me up... I wrote a pilot for TV with ironically, another adoptive mom, and she said "we need to write that thing that McDreamy does with his eyes... I'm like "honey that is an Actor choice.. that means that Patrick Dempsey is HOT" anytime a man looks at your lips when he's talking to you he wants to kiss you!! I learned that in college!
I'm a Jesus lovin', husband adorin', stay-at-home Momma to 9 cutie patooties; 3 tummy babies ('95, '97 and '98), 1 adopted Domestically ('05), 1 through Foster Care ('06), and 4 home from Ghana (Sept. '08). We always have room for 1 more around here. That means you too, so thanks for stopping by!
You have good taste... he is RED HOT! LOL
Hmmmm, I see therapy in your future!
Oh Heather! I love me some Patrick Dempsey too! Haha! Hope you are having a good day!
Megan B
Heather, you crack me up... I wrote a pilot for TV with ironically, another adoptive mom, and she said "we need to write that thing that McDreamy does with his eyes... I'm like "honey that is an Actor choice.. that means that Patrick Dempsey is HOT" anytime a man looks at your lips when he's talking to you he wants to kiss you!! I learned that in college!
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